

By March 18, 2012, (3 days) Zahra the horse will know

  1. to look at me when I say her name.
  2. to pick up a cone from the ground in her teeth for at least one second.
  3. to keep her head down when I halter her.

Next goals:

  1. I will teach Zahra to STAY (like a dog.)
  2. Zahra will pick up the cone and hold it for at least 3 seconds.
Accomplished Goals:
Prior to starting this blog, Zahra the horse has learned:
  1. to lift all of her feet on a hand signal
  2. to backup from a wag of the finger
  3. to disengage her hindquarters in a few different ways
  4. to have a big blue tarp shaken near her and laid on her
  5. to walk on the big blue tarp when it’s crumpled up and crunchy
  6. to touch a cone with her nose, take the cone with her teeth, walk to the cone to touch it if I throw it
  7. to put her head through the halter